trish bendix

Sara is Tegan, and other atrocities

Posted in Uncategorized by trishbendix on December 6, 2007

My new Sound Check column is up, and people of AfterEllen are taking notice….that the photo of Sara Quin is actually that of her twin, Tegan. This is probably the only time in existence that I will be referring to only one of them without mention of the other in print, but it just so happens the item was only about Sara and her collaboration with a Canadian band called The Reason. At any rate, it seems to make Tegan and Sara fans happy that they can tell the difference between the two and point it out multiple times. I’m not sure if my editor will end up changing it or not.

2 Responses

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  1. jamiemurnane said, on December 6, 2007 at 6:07 pm

    silly editors, don’t they know tegan has the labret?!

  2. jamiemurnane said, on December 6, 2007 at 6:10 pm

    ps, the best commenter said she could “corroborate” that was true, proving me wrong that people use the word corroborate outside of “Law and Order.”

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